Re: Container Independence

From: Julian Reschke <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:59:57 +0200

Dhanji R. Prasanna schrieb:
> On 4/11/07, *Paul Sandoz* <
> <>> wrote:
> It is intended to be thrown by the application when it wants to return
> an HTTP error response, for example:
> throw new WebApplicationException(500);
> // an enum would be better than 500 :-)
> ok that makes much more sense now. Yep, should definitely be an enum.

As long as this doesn't limit us in using new status codes...

> But let's not have subclasses for each status code, please!
> I've no objection to static factories, however:
> throw WAE.newNotFoundException ();
> throw WAE.newForbiddenException();
> The application will use HttpResponse if it needs to return a
> representation as the body of the HTTP error response.
> Does that help explain the rational?
> Ok that makes sense--it is looking a lot nicer than I first thought =)
> Do you have any idea about how this will work in a servlet container?
> A webapp can configure a custom error page for each type of error, how
> would this work if custom content were returned? Just thinking ahead...

Also, some protocols require specific response bodies on errors (see

Best regards, Julian