Roberto asked me to forward this on to the 311 expert group so we all
on the same page wrt the Java EE schedule.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Roberto Chinnici <Roberto.Chinnici_at_Sun.COM>
> Date: March 19, 2009 4:22:07 PM EDT
> To: JSR-316-EG_at_JCP.ORG
> Subject: Schedule update
> Reply-To: Java Community Process JSR #316 Expert List <JSR-316-EG_at_JCP.ORG
> >
> Dear Expert Group members,
> Periodically we re-evaluate the schedule for the Java EE platform
> based on several factors: the status of all the relevant
> specifications; the state of advancement of the reference
> implementation, which necessarily incorporates code from different
> codebases; the degree of completeness of the CTS, which similarly
> aggregates and extends multiple test suites created for the
> individual component JSRs.
> As expected for complex software with many moving parts in need of
> synchronization, we sometimes find that the original schedule has
> become unrealistic.
> In this case, the original June 2009 estimate for finalization of
> the platform is not something we can realistically deliver on.
> Consequently, we'd like to revise the date to September 2009. We
> believe that the additional three months will give us the time
> required to complete the work on the individual technologies and
> carry out the necessary integration work.
> We are sticking to the goal of having all the APIs be complete, and
> all the specifications in Proposed Final Draft stage, well ahead of
> the JavaOne 2009 conference. By that date, we expect to have a beta
> release of the reference implementation available for download, so
> that developers can "kick the tires" and exercise the platform as a
> whole. Naturally, individual reference implementations, as well as
> independent ones, may start appearing -- and in many cases have
> already appeared -- well before that date.
> We'd also like to stress that the additional time should not be
> construed as a license to extend the scope of existing JSRs. Quite
> the contrary: to ensure that the integration work can take place in
> earnest, it's important that component technologies be completed on
> a timely schedule.
> Please let us know any concerns you may have about these changes.
> --Roberto