On Apr 11, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> > > Agreed. @Resource("someUriTemplate") would be even simpler, with
> > > the option
> > > to specify @Resource(id="someUriTemplate", otherParam="xxx") if
> > > necessary.
> > >
> > Except, syntactically, if you have "otherParam" you *always* have to
> > write @Resource(id="someuri"), you can't use the shortcut @Resource
> > ("someUriTemplate") even if otherParam has a default value.
> > Its not a big deal but worth bearing in mind.
> This is incorrect. So long as the first parameter is called "value"
> you can use the shortcut:
> @Resource("blah")
> or the long form:
> @Resource(value="blah", other="blah2")
> from the same @interface declaration.
> Unfortunately though it *must* be named value.
Right but, as you say, you have to name the field "value". Even if
the field is called "value" you also can't write:
@Resource("blah", other="blah2")
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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