Re: Lifecycle options

From: Dhanji R. Prasanna <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 20:42:30 +1000

On 7/10/07, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> What do you mean by 'canned cases'?

If you look below at the singleton example, Im saying we could provide that
out of the box. =)

Surely we have to specify some scoping rules for portable deployment?
> And since a developer will write a POJO for a particular scope
> presumably the scope and the POJO go together?

Here's a simple idea off the top of my head:

public class PersonResource {

//http methods and so on...

//this factory is semantically a singleton provider but JaxRs knows nothing
about scope nor forces a developer to learn a new IoC profile
public class PersonFactory implements ObjectProvider<PersonResource> {
      private final PersonResource res = new PersonResource(...);

      public PersonResource get() {
             return res;

Now it is easy to conceive of:

public class PersonResource {

//http methods and so on...

Or perhaps a general ResourceFactory that can be implemented to hook into

I'll post a more detailed example on why we should let spring (or
<insert_ioc_flavor_of_month>) create these objects in the 3rd party
containers thread.
