RE: RE: Goal: POJO-based

From: Hao He <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:34:15 +1000

hi, Jerome,

I guess that the issue is more at the architectural level rather than at the API level. Surely you can model resources using POJOs, but it will leak Java semantics. This would cause interoperability problems to others on other platforms. I know I am very XML biased, but isn't the idea of XML is to have a platform/language independent data format?



-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Louvel []
Sent: Mon 23/04/2007 17:19
Subject: RE: Goal: POJO-based

Hi Hao,

In the REST style, the same resource can have multiple representations: XML,
JSON, HTML, etc. I don't think that designing a RESTful application around
XML documents (as a contract) it the only or best way. Relying on POJOs to
model resources seems a good approach to me.

Best regards,

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Hao He []
> Envoyé : lundi 23 avril 2007 09:10
> À :
> Objet : Goal: POJO-based
> I have a mixed feeling about this goal here. On one hand,
> the goal of the Web is to integrate with everything.
> Clearly, a POJO is something valuable and it makes sense to
> expose it as a Web citizen. On the other hand, if we think
> about SOA, the danger is that a developer may use a POJO as
> the interface contract rather than, say, a predefined XML
> document. Is this issue in-scope for this API?
> Hao

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