Hi Hao,
In the REST style, the same resource can have multiple representations: XML,
JSON, HTML, etc. I don't think that designing a RESTful application around
XML documents (as a contract) it the only or best way. Relying on POJOs to
model resources seems a good approach to me.
Best regards,
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Hao He [mailto:Hao.He_at_objectconsulting.com.au]
> Envoyé : lundi 23 avril 2007 09:10
> À : dev_at_jsr311.dev.java.net
> Objet : Goal: POJO-based
> I have a mixed feeling about this goal here. On one hand,
> the goal of the Web is to integrate with everything.
> Clearly, a POJO is something valuable and it makes sense to
> expose it as a Web citizen. On the other hand, if we think
> about SOA, the danger is that a developer may use a POJO as
> the interface contract rather than, say, a predefined XML
> document. Is this issue in-scope for this API?
> Hao