Jerome Louvel wrote:
> Hi all,
> As promised, I've worked on a sample application (based on BlinkSale API)
> that illustrates some of the ideas I have in mind for this JSR API.
> The Javadocs and source code should be self explaining, but I can detail
> more if needed.
Quick question: is the use of @ResourceRef with the Account and Invoice
classes a mistake? namely is it part of an old design, or is it
something you intended?
The reason i ask is if it is indeed intended then i think it a mistake
:-) but i don't want to send unnecessarily detailed emails saying why i
think this the case if this is part of an old design.
> The idea is to provide a sketch that can illustrates my point of view and
> triggers some discussions. It doesn't pretend to be a complete solution, but
> it does seem to provide the main pieces to implement an API such as
> BlinkSale. Note that I haven't fully covered the BlinkSale resources yet,
> but the design pattern should be obvious.
In the interests of comparing i have included POJOs for clients/client
(at the end of the email) that follow the same pattern as the previous
one for invoice/invoices (which are also included). I also included a
base resource to obtain the account ID.
AFAICT the main differences in terms of resource POJOs are:
1) the degree of separation between resource and representation POJOs;
2) static vs. dynamic for recursive matching based on URI templates;
3) the inheritance rules for HTTP methods of resource POJOs;
4) the explicit/implicit declaration of HTTP methods of resource POJOs;
In further separate emails (most likely not today!) i will try and pick
out some of the differences in more detail.
public abstract class BaseResource {
protected String accountId;
private @HttpContext UriInfo info;
public BaseResource() {
this.accountId = getAccountId(info.getUri().getHost());
private String getAccountId(String host) {
return host.substring(0, host.indexOf("."));
class ClientsResource extends BaseResource {
public Collection<Client> getClients() { ... }
public Response post(Client client) { ... }
public class ClientResource extends BaseResource {
int clientId;
public ClientResource(@UriParam("client_Id") int clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
if (clientId > 0)
throw new NotFoundException("Client ID not found");
public Client getClient() { ... }
public void delete() { ... }
public void put(Client client) { ... }
public PeopleResource getPeopleResource () {
return new PeopleResource(accountId, clientId);
class InvoicesResource extends BaseResource {
Date start, end;
String status, tags;
public InvoicesResource(
@QueryParam("start") Date start,
@QueryParam("end") Date end,
@QueryParam("status") String status,
@QueryParam("tags") String tags)
Collection<Invoice> getInvoices() { ... }
Feed getInvoicesAsFeed() { ... }
Calendar getInvoicesAsCalendar() { ... }
Response postInvoice(Invoice i) { ... }
class InvoiceResource extends BaseResource {
int id;
public InvoiceResource(
@UriParam("invoice_Id}" int id) {
if (id not recognized)
throw NotFoundException(...); = id;
Invoice getInvoice() { ... }
Entry getInvoiceAsEntry() { ... }
void putInvoice(Invoice i) { ... }
void deleteInvoice() { ... }
DeliveriesResource getDeliveriesResource () {
return new DeliveriesResource(accountId, i);
PaymentsResource getPaymentsResource () {
return new PaymentsResource(accountId, i);
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz