Re: JSR311: URI-based conneg

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:49:07 -0500

On Feb 21, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> Marc Hadley wrote:
>> You can still look at the code to figure out how to invoke the
>> service, the existing @Path and @ProduceMime semantics are
>> preserved by this proposal, i.e. you can still use the "platonic"
>> URI with an Accept header to select the representation.
> How? Is the extension string somehow extracted from the
> @ProduceMime metadata or from some other annotation?
I think I'm missing your point. The extension is extracted from the
URI and mapped to an equivalent Accept header value using
ApplicationConfig.getExtensionMappings().get(extension). Then
everything proceeds as if the "platonic" URI (i.e. the URI without an
extension) were used with the equivalent Accept header.

>>> I think supporting the URI template standard Paul linked in a
>>> previous alternate thread gives us much more power than what
>>> you're suggesting and is a cleaner approach to implement this idea.
>>> @Path("/{resource}.xml")
>>> @GET
>>> public String getXML(@PathParam("resource") String id) {}
>>> @Path("/{resource}.html")
>>> @GET
>>> public String getHTML(@PathParam("resource") String id) {}
>> The problem with that is that you have to have separate methods or
>> classes for each media type/extension you want to support and
>> potentially separate ones for platonic uris with Accept.
> Not if you have rich expressions:
> @Path("/{resource}((.html)|(.xml))*")
> @ProduceMime("text/html", "application/xml")
> public String getHTML() {}
> FYI: I couldn't figure out how to do this with:
> So I mixed in a regular expression.
>> Essentially you are putting media type information into two places
>> (@Path and @ProduceMime).
> How is there only one place with your proposal? With yours, instead
> of @Path and @ProduceMime, its [some proprietary configuration] and
> @ProduceMime.
Its not a proprietary config, its in ApplicationConfig. The point is
you can examine the code and see what platonic URIs and media types
work. The extension mapping is essentially and overlay for clients
that can't easily be made to set the Accept header value (browsers


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.