Inheritance of Java classes

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 19:11:54 +0200


In the "resource" programming model Marc and I developed a Java class
may extend another Java class and thus inherit the HTTP methods.

Jerome, in what you have proposed the ClientsResource (and others)
extend from AccountResource:

   public class AccountResource {
       public Account getAccount() {
           return account;

   public class ClientsResource extends AccountResource {
       public List<Client> getClients() {
           return getAccount().getClients();

What does it mean for the ClientsResource to inherit the getAccount
method from the AccountResource?

To explain inheritance more clearly an example might help using Java
classes for an Atom-based server. Some APP based examples i have seen
use one URI for read only access and another URI for read/write access.
For example, given some Java classes (see end of email) the following
URI templates to Java classes can be supported:

   URI Java class
/collection/ FeedResource
/collection/{entry} EntryResource
/collection/{entry}/media EntryResource
/collection/edit/{entry} EditEntryResource
/collection/edit/{entry}/media EditEntryResource

The EditEntryResource inherits from EntryResource, overrides the URI
template (while keeping the same URI template name "{entry}"), inherits
the ProduceMime, and inherits the read only HTTP methods of
EntryResource. The familiar rules of inheritance are applied (note that
the Consume/ProduceMime and UriTemplate use the meta-annotation
Inherited). (There are a couple of edge cases but i don't what to
highlight those in this email so as not to detract from the main point.)

Inheritance may also be useful in another area. An instance of a class
returned to proceed further with the matching process may not be the
same class as declared by the return type. Thus it is possible to return
a concrete instance with additional HTTP methods to those that are
supported by the declared returned class. For example, see the
FeedResource2 class at the end of the email.


[Note that the use of a constructor can stop the repeating
@UriParam("entry") annotation on EntryResource and EditEntryResource]

@SubResources({EntryResource.class, EditEntryResource.class})
public class FeedResource {
     @Resource HttpContext context;

     public Feed getFeed() {

     public HttpResponse postEntry(Entry e) {

     public HttpResponse postMediaEntry(Entity<byte[]> entry) {

public class EntryResource {

     public Entry getEntry(@UriParam("entry") String entryId) {

     public Representation<InputStream> getMedia(
             @UriParam("entry") String entryId) {

public class EditEntryResource extends EntryResource {

     public void putEntry(@UriParam("entry") String entryId, Entry e) {

     public void deleteEntry(@UriParam("entry") String entryId) {

     public void putMedia(@UriParam("entry") String entryId,
             Entity<byte[]> update)

public class FeedResource2 {
     @Resource HttpContext context;

     public Feed getFeed() {

     public HttpResponse postEntry(Entry e) {

     public HttpResponse postMediaEntry(Entity<byte[]> entry) {

     public EntryResource getEntryResource() {
         return new EntryResource();

     public EntryResource getEditEntryResource() {
         return new EditEntryResource();

| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz