URI template variable matching

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:51:08 -0400

Currently a template variable matches *zero* or more characters in a
request URI, e.g.:

public class Foo {
   public String getFoo(@PathParam("foo") String foo) {return foo;}

GET /1 => "1"
GET / => empty

An issue has come up on the Jersey mailing list a few times recently
that results from the lower bound of the matching. Consider:

public class Bar {
   public String getBar() {return "bar";}

   @GET @Path("{foo}")
   public String getFoo(@PathParam("foo") String foo) {return foo;}

GET /bar => "bar"
GET /bar/1 => "1"
GET /bar/ => empty

The problem is that the final request gets mapped to the getFoo method
which surprises developers.

To fix this we propose to change the rules such that a template
variable matches *one* or more characters in a request URI. With this
change the results for the example above become:

GET /bar => "bar"
GET /bar/1 => "1"
GET /bar/ => "bar"

The above matches developers expectations more closely but its worth
noting that the change will have consequences. E.g.

GET /foobaz will no longer match @Path("foo{bar}baz")


GET /foo//baz will no longer match @Path("foo/{bar}/baz")

On balance though we think this change is the best compromise.

Thoughts, comments ?

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.