On Aug 20, 2007, at 1:17 AM, Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> I wouldn't mind an optional-only part of the specification
> specifying xml or programmatic configuration. I suggested something
> like that for registration of resources. It could be extended to
> full configuration. This is roughly what we're doing with JSR-303
> (actually we are also specifying overridability that way) and I
> imagine we will do in the Servlet 3.0 API too.
> It's probably a lot of work for this EG and it's stated timeframes
> though =(
One of the tasks for Jersey is to build a common internal model of
resource classes that can be used across the code - currently we have
a couple of places where the resource classes are introspected for
various reasons. I suggest we take at look at that model code once
its complete and see if we want to add that to the JSR or not.
> On 8/20/07, Patrick Mueller < pmuellr_at_yahoo.com> wrote:I did a
> search on the mailing list, and this topic didn't seem to
> come up at all. The current spec lists supporting anything less than
> J2SE 5.0 as a non-goal, with the reason that annotations are
> extensively used.
> That's a bummer. I'm wondering if the spec could be refactored to
> support a lower-level API, and annotations for language levels that
> support it. The lower-level API would basically be programmatic
> versions of the annotations. You'd never actually use this, in lieu
> of annotations, unless you had to, but that would be the point: at
> least you could.
> As a simple example, from the WidgetList class in the spec:
> @UriTemplate("widgets")
> public class WidgetList {
> @HttpMethod
> @UriTemplate("offers")
> WidgetList getDiscounted() {...}
> @UriTemplate("{id}")
> Widget findWidget(@UriParam("id") String id) {
> return lookupWidget(id);
> }
> }
> Now, imagine this without the annotations:
> public class WidgetList {
> WidgetList getDiscounted() {...}
> Widget findWidget(String id) {
> return lookupWidget(id);
> }
> }
> And using code like this to register the class:
> registeredClass = registry.addServiceClass(WidgetList.class);
> registeredMethod = registeredClass.addResourceMethod
> ("getDiscounted");
> registeredMethod.setUriTemplate("offers");
> registeredMethod = registeredClass.addSubResourceLocator
> ("findWidget")
> registeredMethod.setUriTemplate("{id}");
> registeredMethod.setUriParam("id", 1);
> Some additional benes:
> * opens the door to allow folks to define their services in some way
> other than the annotations.
> * the code above showed 'setters' for the service information. If
> 'getters' were also available, this could serve as a means for
> someone to provide a 'description' of the services currently
> supported, without having to parse annotations, etc, themselves.
> Note, this is just a thought; at least, to show that you can have
> your cake and eat it too. I wouldn't expect this kind of support to
> be added if there wasn't someone with skin in the game to actually do
> the work; presumably from the J2ME side of the house (because it
> seems unlikely someone would add this JUST for 1.4 support). What do
> the J2ME guys think about this JSR in general?
> Before you say J2ME is just for phones, and no one is going to want
> to run a server on their phone, please see:
> http://java.sun.com/javame/overview/products.jsp
> and scroll down to
> Sun Java Toolkit for CDC
> J2ME is not just about phones. And you also need to see this:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jacobian/1160698795/
> Phones can run web servers :-)
> Patrick Mueller
> http://muellerware.org/
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.