Re: Welcome to JSR 311

From: Dhanji R. Prasanna <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 13:02:44 +1000

On 4/10/07, Jerome Louvel <> wrote:
> 1) SPI packages
> My feeling so far is that I would prefer to see the SPI removed from the
> JSR. I'm ready to change my mind, if I see how this can make the
> implementation of the annotation easier on top of the Restlet API.
> Currently, it seems to me that it would make it more complex.

At first blush I definitely think this needs to be addressed with some kind
of attrition--whether that means removal of the spi entirely, I dont know.
As per the proposal and some initial conversations with Paul, I understood
that jsr311 intends to create a *useable framework*, not simply a bunch of
specified interfaces. In that light, I would be for some sort of spi. I
think we'll get a better handle on this when we have some examples to play

2) Package name
> Maybe a completely different name such as "" would be even
> better and would reduce the risk of confusion with existing Web Service
> APIs
> (often associated with SOAP-style Web services).

I very much agree. Also the title of the JSR is JAX-RS which implies "Java
API for XML." Is there something specifically tying Restful services to xml?
I think or is more appropriate, but am not
particulary fussed about this issue--so long as it's not SAAJ 2.0 =)