On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 06:52 +0100, Stefan Tilkov wrote:
> On Nov 2, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Stefan Tilkov wrote:
> > On Nov 2, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> >
> >> If you get any feedback can you send a summary of it?
> I gave my talk at W-JAX Munich yesterday (the slides are available
> online [1], but I spent at least half the time talking about REST in
> general, so they may not be that interesting to this list.)
> Quick feedback from the audience (~60 people, 95% Java developers,
> half of them with good to very good knowledge of REST):
> - In general, pretty much everybody liked the overall approach
> - Some people were concerned about how to integrate this with their
> existing, EJB 3-based architectures, esp. regarding the SessionBean-
> based layer they're currently exposing as SOAP web services. I don't
> believe there's any easy way because of the architectural differences
It shouldn't be too hard. I think Ryan is working on that
and I am looking at it myself. One of the things that appeared to me,
is that we need to get rid of the ctor based injection, which the spec
enforces on root resources. This makes it hard to leverage other
container semantics. Furthermore we may think of allowing 311 annotation
on interfaces as Bill already suggested.
> - Somebody had written something similar (annotation-based REST API)
> themselves; I'm trying to get them to take a closer look and provide
> some feedback. One of the things they did differently was to annotate
> the methods with the "TypeConverter" (which is similar to
> EntityProvider) to be used.
> Based on this last feedback, I'd like to discuss two issues:
> - Maybe "EntityProvider" should be named different. I'm aware that
> "entity" is the correct term from an HTTP perspective (although to be
> exact, I think it would have be "entity body" in this context), but
> from a Java perspective it's a little unexpected.
'Entity' is a subject widely used in J2EE, EE and persistence frameworks
in general. I totally agree, it's confusing.
Why not call it marshaller/unmarshaller? Or serialzer/deserialzer?
> - Maybe there should be a way to override the EntityProvider selection
> based on an annotation on a method. The one case where I believe this
> could be useful is when a MIME type such as "application/xml" is used
> - e.g. the JAXB EntityProvider could handle the default, while some
> specific cases would be overridden.
> Stefan
> --
> Stefan Tilkov, http://www.innoq.com/blog/st/
> [1] http://www.innoq.com/blog/st/presentations/2007/2007-11-06-JSR-311-W-JAX.pdf
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