Re: JSR311: JAX-RS 2.0

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 09:02:37 -0400

Stephan Koops wrote:
>>> (v) Templating/MVC
>>> Production of representations using standard template technologies
>>> (e.g. JSP).
> +1
>> I know you guys (Jersey) have some stuff around this. Resteasy did
>> some integration with Spring's ModelAndView objects. The Seam team
>> did some Resteasy integration around their equivalent as well.
>> There's probably something standard we can define here.
>> BUT...I'm not sure this should be the domain of JAX-RS as this is more
>> of a Web-Framework like feature.
> REST is web. Why only offer XML and JSON, and not HTML?

Because 30 million other frameworks already do this, including a few in
Java EE (JSF, JSP). JSP integration sounds interesting, but beyond that
we would be pretty much encroaching on the space of others.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat