Re: JSR311: Issue 18: XML Descriptor

From: Stefan Tilkov <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 15:03:21 +0200

On Jul 1, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Stephan Koops wrote:

> Hi,
>> Not necessarily, I'm more concerned with ease of development.
>> Usually, a RESTful application consists of a set of resources (or
>> resource "types" for want of a better word) – being able to view
>> and change the whole outside view in one place is what I'm after.
> IMO it is easy, if I - as application developer - put my @Path or
> whatever annotations directly on the resource class and I'm not
> required to also syncronize the classes with an additional XML file.
> IMO the additional file doesn't make it easier.
> One point why I like JAX-RS is, that you don't need to specify a lot
> of XML files as e.g. for Servlet 2.x or Struts.

Point taken, note though that I'm not suggesting we abandon the
existing approach, I was simply stating what my use case for the XML
descriptor would be.

Stefan Tilkov,