On Feb 4, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
> I hope you're not saying that we shouldn't support JAX-RS on
> interfaces at all. I'm fine with KISS too. either you put it on
> the interface or the bean class. Sure makes the spec simpler :)
Actually I'm struggling to come up with a simple set of rules but if
you can come up with some I'd be receptive. In particular I think that
merging and overriding of annotations is quite tricky when you get
down to the details.
FWIW, here's where we are wrt the spec and Jersey:
- @ConsumeMime and @ProduceMime are both @Inherited so they can be
used on superclasses.
- Resource classes are introspected using Class.getMethods. This will
include methods inherited from superclasses but note that a method
overriding one in a superclass requires its own annotations - we don't
do any annotation merging.
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.