Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> OK. I was incorrectly assuming that encoding was idempotent.
> nooo. % is a special character..
> ;)
> +1 to removing encode.
> java.net.* already has an encoder/decoder utility.
If you are referring to URLDecoder and URLEncoder they are specific to
handling strings for application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Print out the
returned strings of the following:
URLEncoder.encode("/a/b/c", "UTF-8")
URLEncoder.encode(" a b c", "UTF-8")
> > On a related note should the build methods throw a
> URISyntaxException ?
> > On the one hand that seems like the right thing to do, on the
> other hand
> > that checked exception makes working with the URI class quite
> awkward.
> Indeed. URI.create() throws an IllegalArgumentException. Perhaps we can
> use the same?
> They should throw a public unchecked analog of URISyntaxException (maybe
> UriBuilderException?) because:
> a) A malformed URI to the builder represents a programmer bug
> (validation failure or lack thereof)
> b) A checked exception is meant for expected, recoverable errors in the
> framework behavior (example socket-failure).
> c) IllegalArgumentException is non-descript for a framework artifact
Makes sense.
> Should we fail at the earliest opportunity to give a meaningful stack
> trace to the source of error?
> I think it is ok to fail at the build() step. That is the expected
> contract of the builder pattern anyway.
But not necessarily for the contract of a builder method with
encode=false. If it is possible to detect early surely that is more
helpful to find the source of the programmer bug?
> Static protections ought to
> suffice for the rest.
> Idea for kitchensink: a URL integral data type in java =P
> Using table look up it should be fairly efficient to validate encoded
> characters. Although, validation will be performed again by URI.
> Yea this is the old Integer.valueOf(..) debate, NumberFormatException
> imo is thrown correctly unchecked as it is a programmer bug that the
> string was not validated as convertible.
> My guess is most use cases will fall back on regex validation (ugh but
> works...).
> Is it likely that a developer would mix encoded/decoded space per a
> UriBuilder or would a UriBuilder be used consistently in encoded or
> decoded space?
> This is not an assumption we should force from the framework. How about
> the builder bootstrap itself, something like:
> URIBuilder.create(ENCODED)...
I was more thinking along the lines that each static method would have
an 'encode' boolean parameter that defaults to true.
> Note that a character encoding needs to be specified too. How would we
> handle that?
I think we should only support UTF-8 [1].
> >>
> >> Specify a value of -1 as no port?
> >>
> >> public abstract UriBuilder port(int port);
> >>
> > So then you can "unset" the port after constructing a builder
> from a URI
> > with a specified port ? Sounds reasonable to me.
> How about an unsetPort() method?
> >>
> >> What about null segment values, and queryParam/matrixPath names ?
> >
> > Should we make null equivalent to "" for those ?
> >
> Currently a path(null)/path("") results in nothing appended to the path:
> UriBuilder.fromPath("/a/b/c").append("").build().
> toString().equals("/a/b/c");
> UriBuilder.fromPath("/a/b/c").append(null).build().
> toString().equals("/a/b/c");
> but i am not sure if a '/' should be appended.
> Should an IllegalArgumentException be thrown for null or "" query/matrix
> names?
> I like IAE being thrown on null, again it represents programmer error.
> But appending "" should be idempotent (and redundant) to the
> construction anyway, so why bother?
> Dhanji.
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz