Re: Some proposals / questions for JSR 311

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:28:44 -0500

Sorry for the slow reply, responses interspersed below:

On Jan 28, 2008, at 7:33 AM, Stephan Koops wrote:
> UriBuilder
> for the UriBuilder I think it should be possible to call the
> "setter" methods with a given encode state, independent of the
> current instance variable state, e.g. in a utility method. There are
> two solutions in my mind:
> • add for every method (host(.), port(.), query(.), ...) another
> method with an additional boolean parameter encode, where the
> application developer can set this property independant of the
> internal encode state of the UriBuilder or

We did try this approach originally but the doubling of the number of
methods was unfortunate so we adopted the single encode() method

> • add a method getEncode() to the UriBuilder, so you can request
> the current encode state, set a new one and later switch back to the
> old one.

I assume you want to be able to do something like:

UriBuilder b = ...
appendToBuilder(b, ...)
// do something else to the builder

and have the appendToBuilder method be able to restore the original
encoding state before it returns ?

I can see the utility of this and will add a boolean isEncode() method.

> Another point for the UriBuilder: IMO it should be more precised
> what should be encoded in some methods in the javadoc (or whereever)
> • in replacePath(String) the slash must not be encoded, of
> course.What about ";" and "="? It could happe, that someone sets
> some matrix parameters here. If this is not allowed, it should be
> documented in the javadoc.

Only illegal characters would be subject to encoding, since ";" and
"=" are permitted in a path segment they wouldn't be encoded. The
javadoc references RFC3986 and the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
media type for details of what is legal where and I'd rather not get
into restating those rules.

> • in replaceQueryParams "=" and "?" must not be encoded.
> • in replaceMatrixParams ";" and "=" must not be encoded.

As above, the characters you mention are legal in their respective URI
components so they wouldn't be encoded.

> • userInfo: should the ":" be encoded, for a setting of
> "username:password".

No, since ":" is a legal char in the userInfo production

> Perhaps we can change the signature to userInfo(String ...). The
> array args could internally separated by a ":" (see
> .

That might be OK but I don't know that userInfo with multiple segments
is used all that widely and therefore whether it deserves its own
method ?

> This (String ...) is perhaps useful for all replace*() methods.

I can see it might be useful for replacePath, less so for query and
matrix parameters though.

> The encode specialities should be clarified in the javadoc, IMO.

I will add some additional text to the class documentation. As I said
above I don't want to repeat the rules from the referenced
specifications but I can make it clearer that the encoding rules are
specific to particular URI components as specified in those

> I suggest also to allow null as parameter in this methods for clear
> the path respectively the query parameters or the matrix parameters.
> It could be also documented in the javadoc that the parameter ""
> will clear the path and so on.
OK, that fits with URI where undefined components return null.

> MultivaluedMap of query / matrix parameters
> I think it should be documented if the MultivaluedMap should be
> modifiable or not for the query parameteres and for the matrix
> parameters. Unmodifiable is the right think in theory, but sometimes
> it is useful to allow the modification.
OK. My preference is for unmodifiable for request data, I'll clarify
the javadoc.

> ResponseBuilder.tag(String)
> The javadoc of method ResponseBuilder.tag(String) says that this
> method is used to set a strong entity tag. It is not documented what
> should happens, if a weak tag is set. Should it be rejected with an
> IllegalArgumentException or should it be allowed as a strong
> entityTag?
The parameter javadoc says it is "the string content of a strong
entity tag" so:

tag(String) will result in ETag: "String", e.g. tag("W/foo") would
result in ETag: "W/foo" rather than ETag: W/"foo".

I'll try to be more explicit about this in the javadoc. To set a weak
entity tag you'd have to use tag(EntityTag) instead.

> Request.evaluatePreconditions()
> RFC 2616, Section 10.3.5 requires, that the headers Content-
> Location, Expires, Cache-Control and/or vary must be under some
> conditions. How it s possible with the current spec? Perhaps the
> method should return a ResponseBuilder instead of a Response. So the
> application developer can add it.
Good suggestion. I think its possible for an implementation to create
a Vary header if the selectVariant method was previously called but I
can't see any way for it to know the values of the other headers. I'll
make this change and add a reference to the above section to highlight
the need to add these headers if appropriate.

Thanks for the feedback.

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.