Re: JSR311: Draft of 1.1 Maintenance Release for review

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 10:33:06 -0500

Initial Comments:

* EJB Singletons should be a required integration point as well.
Resources need to be able to hold state sometimes.

* I liked your initial idea of the application server providing an
Application class instance to the JAX-RS provider. Then there's no need
for java:module and getSingletons() can return references to EJBs,
getClasses() can return references to Web Beans.

* @OPTIONS should be added as an http method with a default behavior

Marc Hadley wrote:
> See:
> We'd like to submit the MR to the JCP at the end of next week (1/23).
> Once posted, there is a four week review period and during the final
> week the EC votes and may either approve or defer each line item.
> Deferred items require a new full JSR to address. We can
> add/delete/change any item during the first three weeks of the JCP
> review period but I'd prefer we have consensus before we submit if
> possible.
> Thanks,
> Marc.
> ---
> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat