From a spec perspective I think we could get by without the @Form
annotation. We could require implementations to fall back to assuming
the parameter is a bean if there's no message body reader and the
media type is one of the form ones.
On Feb 15, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Marc Hadley wrote:
>> What Bill suggests would require expanding the targets of the
>> @*Param annotations. They are currently only allowed on parameters.
>> If we did that we could support something like:
>> @Path("foo")
>> @ConsumeMime("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
>> public class Foo {
>> @FormParam("name") String name;
>> @FormParam("rank") String rank;
>> @FormParam("serial") int serial;
>> @POST
>> public void register() {
>> // do something with name, rank, serial
>> }
>> }
>> Essentially the resource class is also the form bean suggested by
>> Paul.
> I was not suggesting the resource class becomes a bean i was
> suggesting a separate bean be used for the form data, like the
> following:
> @Form // An annotation!!!
> public class MyForm {
> String name;
> String rank;
> int serial;
> MultivaluedMap<String, String> otherStuff;
> }
> public class Foo {
> public void register(MyForm form) {
> // do something with name, rank, serial
> }
> }
> @Provider
> @ConsumeMime("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
> public FormReader implements MessageBodyReader<Object> {
> public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type) {
> return type.getAnnotation(Form.class) != null;
> }
> ...
> }
> @Provider
> @ConsumeMime("multipart/form-data")
> public FormReader implements MessageBodyReader<Object> {
> public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type) {
> return type.getAnnotation(Form.class) != null;
> }
> ...
> }
> This fits nicely into the model we already have for entities without
> any confusion over the overloading of @QueryParam and can work with
> both form media types and requires no changes or additions to the
> current @*Param annotations. And it can almost be done today with
> the existing API. It can be done with Jersey by an external
> developer because it is possible to inject onto a MessageBodyReader
> a context class to get another reader or writer given a media type
> and Java type (say for example if JSON or XML is a content part of a
> multipart/form).
> I think it would be best to get a good pluggable design for
> processing forms first, then consider whether it is worthwhile to
> unwrap the fields as parameters of the HTTP method or the inverse to
> consider a bean that acts the same as method parameters. Those bring
> along a whole set of other problems where as the use of a Form bean
> is isolated to the particular problem of forms themselves.
> Paul.
>> Marc.
>> On Feb 15, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>> So far the @*Param concept has been associated with the HTTP meta-
>>>> data and not that of the entity so it might create some confusion
>>>> (like you highlighted when overloading @QueryParam for form
>>>> parameters).
>>>> What happens if the developer specified the following:
>>>> @POST @ConsumeMime("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
>>>> public Foo update(@QueryParam("name") String name, String formData)
>>>> ?
>>>> My ideal preference would be for a way to unify the processing of
>>>> the media types "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and
>>>> "multipart/form-data"
>>> I think we should explore this idea further for complex cases,
>>> but, I still think we need an "ease-of-use" @*Param annotation. I
>>> know we all have found a simple way to get parameters very useful
>>> when writing Servlets the same should be available for JAX-RS.
>>> [1] using a Java bean that is the entity, for
>>>> example:
>>>> // The Form interface is a marker for message body readers/writers
>>>> public MyForm implements Form {
>>>> public String name;
>>>> public InputStream uploadedFile.
>>>> }
>>> We don't need "marker" interfaces anymore. We have annotations :)
>>>> and allow for:
>>>> @POST @ConsumeMime({"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
>>>> "multipart/form-data"})
>>>> public Foo update(MyForm form)
>>>> From this we could consider what it means to specify unwrapped
>>>> form parameters in a way that does not clash with the concept of
>>>> the entity parameter already specified.
>>> Instead of a form specific approach, why not expand this to all
>>> injection types? i.e.
>>> @Mapped
>>> public class MyBean {
>>> private @HeaderParam("foo") int foo;
>>> public void setSessionId(@CookieParam("sessionid") int sessionId)
>>> {...}
>>> private @Param("file") InputStream file;
>>> }
>>> --
>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
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> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
> +33-4-76188109
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CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.