On Apr 20, 2007, at 3:16 AM, Hao He wrote:
> Have you decided on the time of the meeting? I am based in Sydney
> (+10), Australia. The only request I have is that I don't have to
> stay awake at 2:00AM. Can that be done?
Just in case you didn't receive it, I sent out the following yesterday:
> On Apr 16, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Marc Hadley wrote:
>> For this first telcon we will concentrate on introductions and
>> going over the goals and non-goals described in:
>> https://jsr311.dev.java.net/files/documents/6648/54186/spec.pdf
> From the responses I received it seems that Tuesday works best for
> the majority with a preference for the later times. Therefore we'll
> meet:
>> Tuesday 10am pacific, 1pm eastern, 6pm uk/ireland, 7pm central europe
> I'll send dial-in information later this week.
With such a globally dispersed group its going to be very difficult
to schedule meetings at a time that is convenient for everyone. Early
morning Australia would be late night Europe
which isn't ideal either. I expect most of the work of the group will
be conducted using email and we'll only schedule telephone meetings
where necessary, e.g. to discuss a particularly knotty issue.
For our second meeting I'll re-poll with a selection of later times
to see who would be able to join then but for the first telcon next
week I'd like to stick with the time indicated above since quite a
few folks already confirmed that they could attend.
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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