Re: JSR311: Issue 8 - Non-annotation model

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 13:43:43 -0400

On Jun 25, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Stephan Koops wrote:
> the (or one) main idea was AFAIK, to support Java 1.4 and J2ME.

Support for versions prior to J2SE 5.0 is an explicit non-goal, hence
the current reliance on annotations and use of generics. We were
required to "investigate whether a subset of the API can be made to be
used with Java ME" but given the server-side nature of the API I think
a reasonable answer is "no".

> A solution could be, that we could create an XML file for the
> annotations on every class containing annotations.
> Example:
> @Path(value="abc")
> public class MainResCl {
> @GET
> @ProduceMime({"text/xml", "application/xml", "application/json"})
> public Object getXml() {
> return ...;
> }
> @ConsumeMime({"text/xml", "application/xml", "application/json"})
> public Response create(WhatEverClass entity) {
> return ...;
> }
> @GET
> @Path(value="search")
> @ProduceMime("text/html")
> public Object search(@QueryParam("searchString") String
> searchString) {
> return ...;
> }
> }
> To support this file on Java 1.4 / J2ME, all annotations are removed
> by a converter and the following XML file is generated by a tool:
> <classes xml..=... what all is needed here>
> <class name="MainResCl">
> <path value="abc" />
> <methods>
> <method name="getXml">
> <parameters/> <!-- no parameters -->
> <GET/>
> <ProduceMime value="{'text/xml', 'application/xml',
> 'application/json'}" />
> <!-- other may no better serialisation of arrays -->
> </method>
> <method name="create">
> <parameters>
> <parameter/> <!-- parameter has no annotation -->
> </parameters>
> <POST/>
> <ConsumeMime value="{'text/xml', 'application/xml',
> 'application/json'}" />
> <!-- other may no better serialisation of arrays -->
> </method>
> </method>
> <method name="search">
> <parameters>
> <parameter>
> <QueryParam value="searchString" />
> </parameter>
> </parameters>
> <GET/>
> <ProduceMime value="{'text/xml', 'application/xml',
> 'application/json'}" />
> <!-- other may no better serialisation of arrays -->
> </method>
> <methods>
> <!-- bean setters are also methods -->
> <fields>
> ...
> </fields>
> <class>
> ...
> </classes>
> Or does some conventions like this?
> But I think a runtime environment is not required to support this
> XML files; it should be only used for backup, if annotations are not
> supported by the runtime envirnment.
That is issue 18:


> Marc Hadley schrieb:
>> Issue 8 concerns the addition of a standard resource model API:
>> "Should we support APIs to allow dynamic configuration of resource
>> classes not based on annotations - this would provide an
>> alternative to annotations for platforms where they are not
>> available (ME, earlier versions of Java, scripting languages).
>> We'll be adding such an API in the RI, the EG can take a look at it
>> once its ready and decide if its appropriate for the JSR or not."
>> The Jersey Model classes can be found here:
>> I've also generated the Javadoc for easier browsing and uploaded it
>> here:
>> While we've found these model classes useful in our implementation,
>> primarily for unifying our internal model of a JAX-RS application
>> for use by both request dispatching logic and WADL generation code,
>> I'm not convinced that we need to standardize them in JSR 311.
>> Here's why:
>> (i) I think that sub resource locators and limited=false @Path
>> annotations provide everything you need for dynamically matching a
>> URI to a resource class instance.
>> (ii) Several JVM-based languages now support specification of
>> runtime annotations and I think this is a better direction than
>> standardizing a parallel non-annotation based API for every
>> technology.
>> (iii) Its would add a lot of new API surface that wouldn't be used
>> by the vast majority of applications.
>> With the above in mind I propose to close issue 8 with no action.
>> Objections ?
>> Marc.
>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.