Re: JSR311: _at_Cookie

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:49:05 -0500

On Feb 12, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> This does not support extensions very easily. How about a pluggable
> InjectionProvider mechanism?
> @InjectionPlugin
> public @interface CookieParam {
> String value();
> }
> @InjectionProvider(CookieParam.class)
> public class CookieInjectionProvider {
> @Injector
> Object extractCookie(@Metadata CookieParam metadata, @HttpContext
> HttpHeaders headers) {
> String cookieName = metadata.value();
> Cookie cookie = ...; // find cookie from HttpHeaders by
> cookieName
> return cookie.getValue();
> }
> }
> The InjectionProvider allows you to inject anything from the HTTP
> Request like you would a regular JAX-RS method. Additionally a
> @Metadata annotation is provided so that the provider can get access
> to the injection annotation instance you used in your application
> code.
> So, you could do this with all injectors except maybe @HttpContext
> as you would need basic/core access to the request.
Seems a bit overkill, I think I'd prefer to add additional specific
annotations like @CookieParam for now.


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.