- "file:${com.sun.aas.installRoot}"
- (QL failure) Issue 6001 has been re-assigned to SQE-Test
- 3 QL tests are failing
- 7 failures on the latest QL run
- [ANN] v3 QL tests are now 24 in number ...
- [ANN] XA transaction support in V3
- [Fwd: [Issue 6099] [ejb_container] Error in formatting Logrecord occurs in ejb test]
- [Fwd: java.net outage today at 5:00 pm pt]
- [GFv3] cannot deploy simple hello.war
- [GFv3] Do *not* specify dependency against javax.javaee module in pom.xml
- [GFv3] Heads Up: javax.javaee-${version}.jar won't be part of web distribution
- [GFv3] Heads Up: version information to be removed from jar file names
- [GFv3] Hudson QL failing for last two and half days!!!
- [GFv3] Keep .properties file in resources dir instead of java dir
- [GFv3] Occasional QL failure for classloader/jsfhello test
- [GFv3] The recent bad builds by maven causing LinkageError
- [GFV3]problem in getting the source code fromt he repostitory
- [v3 OLH] JDBCRealm properties
- [v3] Hard Code Freeze Update
- [v3] Is it possible to reload module without restart server ?
- [v3] logging reorg - do we need to change osgi.bundle for modules that now hold LogStrings.properties?
- [v3] Need additional target milestones in IssueTracker
- [v3] New HCF date
- [v3] QL reports success at the end even with failures
- [V3] Question about LogStrings.properties
- [v3] Server not starting on Hudson after my recent check-in to rename some files; investigating
- [v3] Tighter syntax for URLs to submit http admin requests
- [v3] what config changes will require server restart ?
- [v3] Which defect query to use
- Admin Console QL is enabled
- Admin Console QL Tests
- AMX sample code
- Answer to: What URL to access GlassFish v3 Prelude Admin Console ?
- any tutorial about developing glassfish modules?
- Are we going to use asenv.conf/bat for v3?
- Attributes on security-service of domain.xml removed recently ?
- automate glassfish installation
- b22 startup log & JDBC connection pool
- b26 V3: java.servlet.jar contains source code as well.
- Build Errors
- Build problem
- Build problem (Should be fixed now)
- Can't start GF
- changes to jar file names, how to update installed build as a developer
- compressionMinSize or minCompressionSize?
- Constraint violation error
- Differences starting v3 (asadmin vs. java -jar glassfish.jar)
- Does Prelude use <thread-pool> element from domain.xml?
- Does QL require maven repository at default location
- embedded module compile error?
- Embedded v3 working now, but...
- Engineering Meeting at 9:30 AM Pacific (09/09) (and HCF update)
- Error accessing admin console
- error installing packages from UC
- felix classloading problem for META-INF/services file
- FREE Online Test at www.yfrindia.com
- FYI on quicklook failure on Hudson (AMX unit test failure)
- GF V2 and authenticating proxies...
- Glassfish unbundle commandline arguments
- GlassFish v2.1 build b49 has been promoted
- GlassFish v2.1 build b50 has been promoted
- GlassFish v2.1 build b51 has been promoted
- GlassFish v2.1 build b52 has been promoted
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 9/04 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting -- 9/11 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting 9/25 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish v3 Docs Meeting TODAY -- 9/18 2-3 PM PDT
- GlassFish V3 OSGI bundles running inside the Eclipse IDE: javax.servlet conf
- GlassFish V3 OSGI bundles running inside the Eclipse IDE: javax.servlet conflict
- GlassFish V3 Prelude Log output: a final touch...
- Glassfish with JNI
- glassfish: Issue reports site is very slow
- heads up: making sweeping logger change
- Heads up: Scheduled downtime of the java.net site at 5pm today
- how to create a domain with a space in the path
- how to find EJB 3.0 instance from J2EE container
- How to make resolution optional for javax.xml.rpc jar
- hudson is down?
- Hudson QL job failing for last 17 hours
- INFO level message: .org.opensolaris,pkg/cfg_cache (No such file or directory)
- Logger Changes
- logger changes - this will help you
- Logger info
- logging.properties file
- lopsidedness of domaindir usage?
- lopsidedness of domaindir usage?]
- modularization & OSGi
- more java.net slowness?
- Need more OSGi bundle / pom.xml help...
- Need some input MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol:, jndi
- Need some input: apt cannot see javax.jws.WebMethod
- new build, AdminConsoleAdapter files
- New version of Eclipse plugin for glassfish V3 Prelude build 26 published
- No v3 Prelude download link on glassfish.dev.java.net ...
- nucleus.zip dependency
- nucleus.zip inclorrect dependency
- Object Type on Web Application page
- OSGi bundle / hk2 inhabitant help needed...
- OSGi error: "java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation:"
- Please do not promote without a nightly
- Please Welcome Rajeev Kumar
- PWC6033: Unable to compile class for JSP at org.glassfish.javaee.core.deployment.JavaEEDeployer.prepare
- QL bug: classloader/hellojsf app is not undeployed
- QL fails
- QL Failure Need Your Help
- QL related update
- QL Tests
- quicklook / TestNG: can it be threaded
- quicklook changed? Not working
- quicklook fails in BaseAdminConsoleTest (15:31 PST codebase)
- quicklook failure
- quicklook failures
- Quicklook jsp tests failing
- quicklook tests failing because of connection refused errors
- quicklook tests running?
- Quicklook won't run: "Command deploy not found" BLOCKING
- Quicklook won't run: Command deploy not found
- quicklook: can it incorporate junit tests?
- Quicklook: Login page not found
- Quicklook: Login page not found (and must be named 'glassfish')
- Re1: URGENT and ACTION: changes to logger code will affect you.
- regression on dynamic reconfig
- reintroduced support for glassfish runner
- Run one test suite in v3 QL
- running quicklook tests
- Sample Project for extending Admin Console is available
- SCF for v2.1 is Oct 1st
- searching commands in asadmin
- Selenium in QL? Other Suggestions?
- Servlet request dispatching
- sporadic QL failure
- svn commit: r22513 - trunk/v3/tests/quicklook/testng.xml
- svn commit: r807 - trunk/hk2/config/src/java/org/jvnet/hk2/config/Transactions.java
- There are some problems when glassfish find inner class
- There is no installed container capable of handling this application
- TransmitFile on Windows
- Trying to move b25 install around triggers "Bundle symbolic name and version are not unique"
- Updatecenter down?
- URGENT and ACTION: changes to logger code will affect you.
- V2 - Add Cluster Support from CLI
- V3 build error
- v3 build stalls while downloading
- V3 Engineering meeting
- V3 Engineering meeting : Sept 16, 9:30
- V3 Engineering meeting : Sept 2, 9:30am
- V3 Engineering meeting, 30 Sept 9:30
- V3 Engineering meeting, Sept 23, 9:30
- v3 grizzly: missing resource bundle ?
- V3 logging
- V3 Logging: Server.log Vs console output of start-domain -v
- v3 quicklook failures: classloader_jsf and web_jspservlet_war
- v3 start up is silent even when there is port conflicts
- v3 trunk won't start
- web devtest run and startDomain issue
- Welcome Jeff Rutt
- What is Prelude?
- where oh where has the nightly gone....
- Yesterday's nightly build issues