Re: v3 start up is silent even when there is port conflicts

From: Rajiv Mordani <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:28:54 -0700

That's what Jerome also said - if it is an instance of GlassFish that
you started and then try to run again then you get the error. However if
you have something else - like Tomcat running on port 8080 that does not
use 4848 in any way then you don't see this error (assuming of course
that the http listener port for GlassFish is also 8080).

- Rajiv

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> what is strange is that we correctly get an exception if grizzly
>> opens the port (2 appservers running) but we don't get an exception
>> if some other process has opened the port...
> No, my experience on Mac OS is different. If I have a simple
> EchoServer (opens a
> server socket and listens indefinitely) on 4848,
> - java -jar glassfish.jar fails with
> Address already in use:
> 4848=com.sun.grizzly.http.SelectorThreadHandler_at_d6f8f6
> - asadmin start-domain or startserv hangs. I should probably correct this
> behavior to coincide with that of "java -jar ...". This is because
> we are
> sending HTTP request to a port that does not speak HTTP to ascertain if
> the server has come up.
> If I have another GlassFish domain running on 4848, asadmin
> start-domain tells
> me:
> "It appears that the domain [domain1] or some other process [port: 4848]
> is already running, stop it first", which is expected.
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