Hi Lloyd,
You probably have never install a promoted build or nightly build :-)
If you install promoted build, you will get this kind of directory
What we as developer is building is just part of this bigger picture,
ie, just glassfish.
When you run updatetool, all the packages downloaded from the
updatecenter repository is hardcoded with the path 'glassfish/...' and
thats where it will put any of the ips packages under it.
Thats why the restriction.
The adminconsole QL test was turned on recently, thats why you don't see
this problem before.
btw, distribution/web/target/web.zip will be changing very soon to give
you the above mentioned directory structure, hopefully that will be
less confusion.
Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Anissa,
> I don't understand. I unzip web.zip to /v3/run and this has worked
> well for months. Why are we hard-coding a pathname now?
> MB2:quicklook lloyd$ ls -l /v3/run
> total 584
> -rw-r--r-- 1 lloyd admin 250464 Sep 18 17:08 3RD-PARTY-LICENSE.txt
> -rw-r--r-- 1 lloyd admin 4603 Sep 18 17:08 COPYRIGHT
> -rw-r--r-- 1 lloyd admin 36116 Sep 18 17:08 LICENSE.txt
> drwxr-xr-x 10 lloyd admin 340 Sep 18 17:08 bin
> drwxr-xr-x 6 lloyd admin 204 Sep 18 17:08 config
> drwxr-xr-x 7 lloyd admin 238 Sep 18 17:08 docs
> drwxr-xr-x 3 lloyd admin 102 Sep 18 17:08 domains
> drwxr-xr-x 5 lloyd admin 170 Sep 18 17:08 felix
> drwxr-xr-x 12 lloyd admin 408 Sep 18 17:12 javadb
> drwxr-xr-x 11 lloyd admin 374 Sep 18 17:08 lib
> drwxr-xr-x 138 lloyd admin 4692 Sep 18 17:08 modules
> That has to be /v3/glassfish? If so, I don't understand this
> "glassfishv3-prelude" directory you show below, or the 'glassfish'
> directories under it or why javadb is at another level or there are
> two bin directories.
> Lloyd
> On Sep 18, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi Lloyd,
>> Couple things you can look at:
>> 1. Where do you unzip your distribution/web/target/web.zip ?
>> You said before that your installation is not using the name
>> 'glassfish'. It is a requirement now that your web.zip be of the
>> name glassfish, because this is what the distribution and the
>> download of ips packages, 'glassfish-gui', looking for.
>> The directory structure should be:
>> glassfishv3-prelude/bin
>> glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish
>> glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish/bin
>> glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish/lib
>> glassfishv3-prelude/glassfish/modules
>> glassfishv3-prelude/javadb
>> ...
>> ...
>> so, even though you only have web.zip and not building the ips
>> distribution, you need to name it glassfish.
>> 2. do not put your glassfish installation under 'quicklook'
>> directory. Otherwise when quicklook 'clean', it will remove every
>> .war file under it, including admingui.war
>> 3. check that your file
>> glassfish/lib/install/applications/admingui.war exists.
>> thanks.
>> Anissa.
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Anyone else seeing this Quicklook failure? Is it related to the
>>> other JSF problems?
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (1 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (2 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (3 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (4 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (5 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (6 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (7 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (8 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (9 of 10)...
>>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>>> deploy (10 of 10)...
>>> [testng] FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeTest
>>> loginBeforeTest("http://localhost:4848/")
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.BaseAdminConsoleTest.loginBeforeTest(BaseAdminConsoleTest.java:76)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 23 stack frames
>>> [testng] FAILED: testFrameSet
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testFrameSet(AdminConsoleTests.java:42)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>> [testng] FAILED: testDeployedWebAppPage
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testDeployedWebAppPage(AdminConsoleTests.java:78)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>> [testng] FAILED: testCommonTasks
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testCommonTasks(AdminConsoleTests.java:69)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>> [testng] FAILED: testNavTree
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testNavTree(AdminConsoleTests.java:51)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>> [testng] FAILED: testHeader
>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>> [testng] at
>>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testHeader(AdminConsoleTests.java:60)
>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>> ..............................................
>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> lloyd.chambers_at_sun.com
>>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
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