Re: quicklook fails in BaseAdminConsoleTest (15:31 PST codebase)

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:21:26 -0500

On Sep 26, 2008, at 7:32 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> I am seeing this counting to 100 and giving up too. (By the way
> counting
> to 100 is quite inexplicable. It's QL. How about counting to 10?)

Kedar, I just got in from a family thing and it looks like Anissa got
things figured out (thanks!) but I wanted to address the timeout.
Originally, I had a iteration limit of 10, with a ten second pause
between attempts. Ken suggest lowering that to 1 second with a 100
iteration max. That gave us the same amount of time total, with the
possibility of succeeding more quickly. Overall, the number of
iterations and the wait are arbitrary, but we did run into a situation
with... someone who had a slower box and the test was giving up before
the app was deployed, indicating a failure, even though the app did
eventually deploy.

With a good tree, the test should complete in just a few seconds. The
only time one will see the long and painful wait is when one breaks
the tree, so you get what you deserve, right? I kid. Mostly. :P
I'm certainly open to tweaking all those numbers, but we need to be
careful so that we don't cause false alarms on the slower boxes.

         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

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