Re: Are we going to use asenv.conf/bat for v3?

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:50:34 -0700

I don't think asenv is used in its spirit in v3. This has caused some problems.
(e.g. setting of AS_INSTALL, AS_JAVA, AS_ANT_LIB etc. should NOT be set as
the system properties, but they are currently). This is the behavior of the
server. It's also not set up correctly for the consumption of the scripts.
For example, asadmin does not use it for Prelude (asadmin in fact requires
that you have "java" in your path!

That apart, this bug does not relate to that, IMO. We do not support running
GlassFish v3 atop JRE alone, yet. Thus, the server, the client scripts etc.
need to depend on JDK. So, you should fix the bug to include the JavaMail
classes in the classpath of Metro scripts and ask the users to run it with
JDK. Keep the bug open to be addressed in its entirety after Prelude.

There is no way for us to configure asenv in user installation at least
in the zip distribution case, since user
- is required to have JDK in path
- should be able to just unzip and run the server.


Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Hi,
> In v2 we could modify AS_JAVA in gf/config/asenv.conf and that would
> start the server with that jdk and not with what is set in your JAVA_HOME
> In v3 I see this value hardcoded in
> v3/distributions/nucleus-base/config/asenv.*
> set AS_JAVA=c:\java\jdk1.6.0\jre/..
> whereas asenv.conf does not have that variable and right now we just
> start using the JAVA_HOME set in the env,
> Is this the way we are going to continue for v3?
> The reason I am asking is I got this bug
> where
> tools.jar needs to be added to the metro scripts
> Do I just set it from the environment variable or is there some
> requirement to use from asenv.con/bat (which if is the case I think is
> broken right now)
> Regards,
> Bhakti
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