Re: quicklook fails in BaseAdminConsoleTest (15:31 PST codebase)

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 15:44:44 -0700

QL was working fine all day until perhaps 2pm. Then after I did an
'svn update' around 15:30 PST, it's not.

Here's what I see in the server emits "The Admin Console is
loading..." forever.

This is on Mac OS X 10.5.5, dual-core.

java version "1.5.0_16"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_16-133, mixed mode, sharing)


INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.admingui.console-web-plugin [20]
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: Exception in thread "Thread-14"
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: com.sun.enterprise.module.ResolveError: Failed to start
org.glassfish.admingui.console-theme-plugin(Admin Console Custom
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: at org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter.OSGiModuleImpl
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved
constraint in bundle 81: package; (&(package=images)
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix._resolveBundle(
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix._startBundle(
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:08 PM
SEVERE: ... 11 more
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:11 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:16 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:21 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:26 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:32 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...

Sep 26, 2008 3:42:37 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:42 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...
Sep 26, 2008 3:42:47 PM
com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter logRequest
INFO: AdminConsoleAdapter's STATE IS: The Admin Console is loading...

On Sep 26, 2008, at 3:32 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:

> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] amx_tests
> [testng] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (1 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (2 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (3 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (4 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (5 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (6 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (7 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (8 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (9 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (10 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (11 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (12 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (13 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (14 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (15 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (16 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (17 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (18 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (19 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (20 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (21 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (22 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (23 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (24 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (25 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (26 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (27 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (28 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (29 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (30 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (31 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (32 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (33 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (34 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (35 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (36 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (37 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (38 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (39 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (40 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (41 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (42 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (43 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (44 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (45 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (46 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (47 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (48 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (49 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (50 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (51 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (52 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (53 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (54 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (55 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (56 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (57 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (58 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (59 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (60 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (61 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (62 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (63 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (64 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (65 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (66 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (67 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (68 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (69 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (70 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (71 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (72 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (73 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (74 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (75 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (76 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (77 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (78 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (79 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (80 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (81 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (82 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (83 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (84 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (85 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (86 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (87 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (88 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (89 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (90 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (91 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (92 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (93 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (94 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (95 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (96 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (97 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (98 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (99 of 100)...
> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
> deploy (100 of 100)...
> [testng] FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeTest loginBeforeTest("http://localhost:4848/
> ", 8686)
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The login form was not found.
> [testng] at
> test
> .admin
> .BaseAdminConsoleTest.loginBeforeTest(
> [testng] ... Removed 20 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testFrameSet
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The main frameset does not
> appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testFrameSet(
> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testDeployedWebAppPage
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The Deployed Web Applications
> table does not appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but
> was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test
> .admin
> .AdminConsoleTests.testDeployedWebAppPage(
> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testCommonTasks
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The Common Task page does not
> appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testCommonTasks(
> 75)
> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testNavTree
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The navigation tree does not
> appear to have been rendererd. expected:<true> but was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testNavTree(
> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testHeader
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The header does not appear to
> have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testHeader(
> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
> [testng] FAILED: testHelpPage
> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
> [testng] at
> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testHelpPage(
> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] adminconsole_tests
> [testng] Tests run: 6, Failures: 6, Skips: 0
> [testng] Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 0
> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] Running TestMethod webtest
> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsf/index.jsp
> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsf/index.jsp
> [testng] PASSED: jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest
> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] classloader_jsf
> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
> [testng] ===============================================
> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
> [testng] <title>Sample Application Servlet Page</title>
> [testng] <h1>Sample Application Servlet</h1>
> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
> [testng] <h1>JSP Test Page</h1>
> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080
> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080
> [testng] </table> <h1>Your Server is now running</h1> <p>To
> replace this page, overwrite the file <code>index.html</code> in the
> default document root folder of this server. The default document
> root folder is located at <var>as-install</var><code>/domains/
> domain1/docroot</code>,
> [testng] URL is: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
> [testng] Connecting to: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
> [testng] Welcome to HTML Test Program. This tests following thing
> [testng] PASSED: simpleServletTest
> [testng] PASSED: simpleJSPTestPage
> [testng] PASSED: testServerRunning
> [testng] PASSED: staticHTMLPageTest