Re: "file:${com.sun.aas.installRoot}"

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:41:00 -0700

Ron Monzillo wrote:
> Ludovic Champenois wrote:
>> Ron Monzillo wrote:
>>> for Glassfish v3, how is the value of this property established,
>>> and is there an easy way to determine what it is set to (perhaps in
>>> server.log, or via some command switch)?
>>> Ron
>> http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/__locations
>> on a a running server will tell you that. (change machine name/port
>> to accomodate your env)
>> Ludo
> Ludo,
> thanks very much.
> I received a 500 status code for port 8080 so I changed the port to
> 4828 and got the folowing output
> GlassFish __locations AdminCommand command report
> Exit Code : SUCCESS
> null
> Domain-Root
> /space/monzillo/sandbox/v3-hard/b23/glassfish/domains/domain1
> Base-Root /space/monzillo/sandbox/v3-hard/b23/glassfish
> is Base-Root the value that shoudl correspond to the following?
I think so.
> "file:${com.sun.aas.installRoot}"
> I noticed that using "file:${com.sun.aas.installRoot}" as a prefix in a
> codebase grant statement dod not achieve the same effect as using the
> explicit code path.
yes. I think this type of variable is only calculated in a domain file,
not a policy file.
> iow,
> grant codeBase
> "file:${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/felix/bin/-" {
> permission;
> }
> does not seem to grant AllPermission to the felix/bin subtree
> while the following does appear to grant AllPermission to the subtree
> grant codeBase
> "file:/space/monzillo/sandbox/v3-hard/b23/glassfish/felix/bin/-" {
> permission;
> }
> perhaps the properties are not defined at the time the server.policy
> file is being Parsed.
> Ron
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