Re: any tutorial about developing glassfish modules?

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 19:12:51 +0530

Please take a look at one of my earlier attempts [1] to explain
relationship between HK2 and OSGi in GFv3. To develop plugins for GFv3,
you don't have to use HK2. You can develop them as pure OSGi bundles and
put them in modules dir. You can also choose to use HK2 service layer
inside your OSGi bundle to make your life easier. To get started with
HK2, take a look at [2].

To develop any meaningful plugins for GlassFish, you will need to use
the ahe APIs of GlassFish which are part of glassfish-api module.



legolas wrote:
> Thank you for reply.
> I can not quite understand what is the HK2 relation with OSGI and GlassFish
> module system?
> are they both moduling system of the GlassFish or one of them is going to be
> deprecated?
> Thanks
> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
>> legolas wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> thank you for reading my post.
>>> is there any tutorial about developing glassfish modules?
>> Pl. see GlassFish V3 Engineers Guide
>> <> for
>> details on developing modules and Pluggabiulity one pager
>> <>
>> for extending GlassFish functionality.
>>> Thanks