Please welcome Rajeev Kumar to the GlassFish developer community.
He has developed more than 6 open source projects in Java on[1], and is interested in working on the glassfish core.
Rajeev, if you have more details on what you would like to do, please
send to this list. Module leads, please contact Rajeev to get him started.
GlassFish Community Manager
1. Kabootar (A native and efficient mailing system, it includes both MUA
and MTA)
Your own mailing system (most easiest to use with zero configuration)
for the entire world (available in almost all the languages of the
world) which will include Mail User Agent and Mail Transfer Agent thus
trying to give maximum speed while transferring
2. Universal Reader (A text to speech converter which can read any
readable document on your computer)
A text to speech converter which will be able to read any document.And
while reading the documents it will also highlight the lines which it is
reading. The main aim of the project is to make reading an interesting
task specially for BLINDS.
3. TheDebuggerFrameWork (a front end of a debugger and also it is
completely multithreaded)
The front end can be attached to any debugger back end. It is developed
for developers who are struggling with the large file size and variables
in their debugging application. The framework can parse file of unto
80mb of sine in just 2 minutes and while parsing the large file users
can also see the small variables because there is complete context
switching implemented there. The framework has the basin scheduling
capacity of an Operating System.
4. JavaEvcryptor (an encryption / decryption engine).
A very light weight and strong encryption / decryption engine.
5. MultiuLingual Compiler (A Compiler in 21 different languages)
A compiler for the native languages.
6. MultiThreadedHTTPServer (your own multiThreadedHTTPServer)
A simple HTTP Server for the whole world (educational institutions,
organizations,small companies, student groups, personel etc..) any one
can run it and serve files to their client.It is multithreaded light
weight and robust HTTPServer