Re: How to make resolution optional for javax.xml.rpc jar

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:28:44 -0700


Look at the previous version of the jts pom:,r=22015/glassfish-svn/trunk/v3/transaction/jts/pom.xml

It has an optional use in <Import-Package> (don't forget ',*' to import the rest


Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Sahoo,
> As an effort to remove javax.xml.* from
> I have made a bunch of local changes
> 1. deployment/dol has osgi.bundle with and javax.xml.soap
> resolution optional
> 2.dol's pom has compile time dependency on
> webservices-1.4-SNAPSHOT-osgi.jar (removed javax.javaee dependency)
> 3.removed javax.xml.* from javaee-api/pom.xml (except javax.xml.rpc I
> have left javax.xml.rpc as ejbapi depends on it and I do not think metro
> provides jaxrpc )
> 4.Moved all webservices handlers from dol to webservices/jsr109-impl
> With these changes I can get dol to build and do not see any
> javax.xml.soap/bind/ws jars in
> However the quicklooks fail as javax.xml.rpc cannot be resolved
> SEVERE: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved package in bundle
> 66: pac
> kage; (package=javax.xml.soap)
> INFO: [ 66] [Installed ] [ 2] javax.xml.rpc API v.1.1
> (10.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
> Pls can you suggest how to make javax.xml.soap resolution optional for
> javax.xml.rpc there is no osgi.bundle there and I was unsure what needs
> to be done in the pom? Once I get the quicklooks working I will send out
> these changes for review and commit them
> Regards,
> Bhakti
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