Ming Zhang wrote:
> Yes, your suggestions were discussed in another thread. But when you
> look from an overall picture, QL is for developer, RE (using QL hudson
> jobs) and dev-build hudson job, QE hudson job(for different bundles of
> V3). The requirements for QL should consider all factors and balance
> the needs. For example, the hudson jobs will only archive the tests
> results and show the trend plot for build process ending with SUCCESSFUL.
OK, so Hudson wants a "success" status and (at least some) engineers
want a display that shows that the run completed with test failures.
Those don't seem contradictory.
A couple of possibilities:
* Have the very last bit of the test script display the total tests run,
failures, and skips statistics just before the maven-provided BUILD
SUCCESSFUL display, as you mentioned in your last note.
or (even better I think)
* Have the test script use a property specified on the command line to
decide whether test failures should result in a maven "build" failure or
a maven "build" success. The default would be (since this would be more
alarming to engineers running the QL, which is what we want I think) to
end with a "build" failure if any test fails. Hudson, on the other
hand, could set the property so that its QL runs would report success
even with test failures.
- Tim