Jerome Dochez wrote:
> so it seems to me that you need to register at the http-service level
> to listen for virtual-server creation.
That is what I do currently.
> When you receive notification of a new virtual-server created in
> http-service, you can register a new listener to it manually. would
> that work ?
That would work and is exactly my question. Is there an API available
for this (register a new listener to a dynamically created
virtual-server without actually injecting virtual-server to
ConfigListener at start time)?
> jerome
> Amy Roh wrote:
>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> don't you have a different listener registered for each virtual
>>> server ?
>>> if yes, I think that listener should be notifying the http-service
>>> itself.
>> I do but only for the default virtual server -
>> public class HttpServiceConfigListener implements ConfigListener {
>> @Inject(name="server")
>> public VirtualServer virtualServer;
>> I don't register ConfigListener for a dynamically created virtual
>> server since the name hasn't been provided yet.
>> Is there a way to dynamically inject the newly created virtual server
>> so I can register ConfigListener with it?
>> Thanks,
>> Amy
>>> Amy Roh wrote:
>>>> Hi Jerome,
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Author: dochez
>>>>> Date: 2008-08-27 04:51:34+0000
>>>>> New Revision: 807
>>>>> Modified:
>>>>> trunk/hk2/config/src/java/org/jvnet/hk2/config/
>>>>> Log:
>>>>> added parent notification, we could change it to notify the entire
>>>>> config tree up.
>>>>> Modified:
>>>>> trunk/hk2/config/src/java/org/jvnet/hk2/config/
>>>>> Url:
>>>>> ==============================================================================
>>>>> ---
>>>>> trunk/hk2/config/src/java/org/jvnet/hk2/config/
>>>>> (original)
>>>>> +++
>>>>> trunk/hk2/config/src/java/org/jvnet/hk2/config/
>>>>> 2008-08-27 04:51:34+0000
>>>>> @@ -227,6 +227,25 @@
>>>>> final UnprocessedChangeEvent unp = new
>>>>> UnprocessedChangeEvent(evt, "no ConfigListener listening to dom
>>>>> element " + dom.getProxyType().getName() );
>>>>> unprocessedEvents.add( new
>>>>> UnprocessedChangeEvents(unp) );
>>>>> }
>>>>> + + // we notify the immediate parent.
>>>>> + // dochez : should we notify the parent chain up
>>>>> to the root or stop at the first parent.
>>>> Can we notify at least up to the second parent?
>>>> As described in the issue [1], dynamically created virtual server's
>>>> property change does not notify http-service.
>>>> [1]
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Amy
>>>>> + if (dom.parent()!=null &&
>>>>> dom.parent().getListeners()!=null) {
>>>>> + for (ConfigListener parentListener :
>>>>> dom.parent().getListeners()) {
>>>>> + if
>>>>> (!notifiedListeners.contains(parentListener)) {
>>>>> + try {
>>>>> + // create a new array each time
>>>>> to avoid any potential array changes?
>>>>> + UnprocessedChangeEvents
>>>>> unprocessed = parentListener.changed(mEvents.toArray(new
>>>>> PropertyChangeEvent[mEvents.size()]));
>>>>> + if (unprocessed != null &&
>>>>> unprocessed.size() != 0 ) {
>>>>> +
>>>>> unprocessedEvents.add(unprocessed);
>>>>> + }
>>>>> + } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>> + e.printStackTrace();
>>>>> + }
>>>>> + notifiedListeners.add(parentListener);
>>>>> + }
>>>>> + }
>>>>> + }
>>>>> }
>>>>> // all the config listeners have been notified, let's
>>>>> see if we have
>>>>> // some unprocessed events to notifiy the transation
>>>>> listeners.
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