Re: quicklook changed? Not working

From: Ming Zhang <Ming.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:19:46 -0700

QL has a dependency on testng from the beginning and it requires "net
connection" if you run it first time and don't have it in local maven
repo. This is not an "active net connection". The other dependency
jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar will be there already if you built V3
and this is the most common development user scenario.


Sahoo wrote:
> That's even worse; QL requires an active net connection!
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Ming Zhang wrote:
>> Yes. I tried on my machine with ~/.m2 deleted and it worked. The
>> dependency on those jars are set in quicklook/pom.xml so QL doesn't
>> relay on v3's downloads.
>> Thanks,
>> Ming
>> Sahoo wrote:
>>> Then ensure QL download dependent jars using maven instead of
>>> expecting user's local maven repo to have it already. It should be
>>> possible to run QL on a m/c where v3 has not been built. Have you
>>> tried running QL in such a m/c?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
>>> Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>> One rule of QL is that we can't check in dependent jars/zips into
>>>> QL work space so that the source code size is under control. With
>>>> more QL tests and test coverage increasing, we'll use more
>>>> dependencies on maven local repo. I think it's the same idea as V3
>>>> work space, you can have multiple V3/QL work spaces pointing to one
>>>> maven local repo and this will save space.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ming
>>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>>> Why can't the test simply use its own copy of
>>>>> jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar instead of referring to maven
>>>>> local repo? It will be much more reliable that way. QL can't
>>>>> assume that user's local repo has such an artifact, can it?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sahoo
>>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>> Ming,
>>>>>> Thanks. I suppose this option can also be added to MVN_OPTS?
>>>>>> MVN_OPTS="-D-Xmx512M -Dmaven.repo.local=/v3/run"
>>>>>> ?
>>>>>> I found that an easier workaround (one I don't have to remember
>>>>>> to use each time) is to make a symbolic link from
>>>>>> ~/.m2/repository to my actual repository.
>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>> On Sep 5, 2008, at 5:11 PM, Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Lloyd,
>>>>>>> If your maven.repo.local is non-default
>>>>>>> (${user.home}/.m2/repository), please use
>>>>>>> -Dmaven.repo.local=${your_local_repo} to overwrite the property
>>>>>>> defined in the quicklook/ I'll also update
>>>>>>> QuickLook_Test_Instructions.html to include this.
>>>>>>> I'll remove the redefined maven.repo.local in other 2 places.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Ming
>>>>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>>>> One more thing: why do files keep redefining
>>>>>>>> maven.repo.local?
>>>>>>>> It's already defined in quicklook/, yet
>>>>>>>> redefined in two more places.
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> MB2:quicklook lloyd$ grep -r maven.repo.local .
>>>>>>>> ./${user.home}/.m2/repository
>>>>>>>> ./classloader/hellojsf/${user.home}/.m2/repository
>>>>>>>> ./web/jruby/helloapp/${user.home}/.m2/repository
>>>>>>>> On Sep 5, 2008, at 4:36 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I see also that hard-coded stuff is used at the top-level
>>>>>>>>> quicklook/
>>>>>>>>> What I don't understand is how it could ever have worked for
>>>>>>>>> me, yet it did. Maybe the new tests actually use the repo
>>>>>>>>> location directly?
>>>>>>>>> #Edit these values for specific glassfish instance
>>>>>>>>> deploy.platform=v3
>>>>>>>>> glassfish.http.port=8080
>>>>>>>>> glassfish.home=C:\\Sun\\v3\\glassfish
>>>>>>>>> v3=true
>>>>>>>>> maven.repo.local=${user.home}/.m2/repository
>>>>>>>>> plugin_classpath=${maven.repo.local}/org/testng/testng/5.6/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 5, 2008, at 4:29 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I found the problem.
>>>>>>>>>> It is a hard-coded repository in
>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/classloader/hellojsf/
>>>>>>>>>> maven.repo.local=${user.home}/.m2/repository
>>>>>>>>>> jsf_jar_path=${maven.repo.local}/com/sun/jsftemplating/jsftemplating-dynafaces/0.1
>>>>>>>>>> This is new, and it breaks anyone who puts their local
>>>>>>>>>> repository somewhere other than ~/.m2/repository (like me).
>>>>>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yesterday I ran Quicklook just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Today I see this the stuff below
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Why is it doing "start-server-felix-windows" on my Mac OS
>>>>>>>>>>> X system?
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Why is it using a repository that I don't use (my repo
>>>>>>>>>>> is not in ~/.m2
>>>>>>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>>>>>> start-server-felix-windows:
>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] Sleeping for 20 seconds while the server is starting
>>>>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] ANT PROJECT GlassFish-V3-QuickLook
>>>>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>>>>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 5 source files to
>>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe
>>>>>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>>>>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>>>>>>>>>>> ../..//dist/classloader/hellojsf.war
>>>>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/classloader
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> [ERROR] BUILD ERROR
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following
>>>>>>>>>>> error occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/build.xml:61: The following error
>>>>>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/build.xml:98: The following error
>>>>>>>>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>>>>>>>>> /v3/code/tests/quicklook/classloader/hellojsf/build.xml:54:
>>>>>>>>>>> /Users/lloyd/.m2/repository/com/sun/jsftemplating/jsftemplating-dynafaces/0.1
>>>>>>>>>>> not found.
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 28 seconds
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Fri Sep 05 15:45:47 PDT 2008
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 7M/14M
>>>>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> MB2:quicklook lloyd$
>>>>>>>>>>> ..............................................
>>>>>>>>>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>>>>>>>>>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
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