URGENT and ACTION: changes to logger code will affect you.

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:05:56 -0700

Hi all,

I'm in the process of making changes to the logging code that supports
the changes Jerome described in his previous email (subject Logger
Changes). Note that the resource bundle filename is
** and not

Once the logger changes are in you may be required to make additional
changes to your module. Specifically you may need to move the file from its current location to the appropriate
place. I did move the LogStrings.properites files that were causing the
quicklook tests to fail but I didn't move all of them. It turns out
that all the file are under common/common-util but
in order for things to work correctly we had the choice of doing one of
two things.

1. Leave the file where they were and update the
osgi.bundle file to export them AND each pom.xml file to import the
package where the resource properties files are. Temp solution.

2. Move the file to the module where they are
used. This is the long term solution so we decided to go with this
rather than update the pom.xml files and then move the files later.

As I said I did move several of the files to the appropriate modules but
there are others that need to be moved. I moved the following files:


When the logger doesn't find the resource bundle it will throw
MissingResourceException. All resource bundles need to start with
com.sun.logging which is the package name preappended to the Logger name
found in

Let me know if you have any questions.
