Re: TransmitFile on Windows

From: Olga Vasserman <Olga.Vasserman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 18:09:01 -0700

That was easy :)

Is there a chance the UI will not get updated before release? Should
we note in the online help that the property is no longer supported
until this is removed?


On Sep 4, 2008, at 5:40 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

> Salut,
> Olga Vasserman wrote:
>> Hi-
>> I am working on the Prelude online help, and I had a question
>> regarding the option to enable use of TransmitFile function in
>> Windows (this is a checkbox on the HTTP File Cache page in the
>> Admin GUI). Anissa said that someone on this alias should be able
>> to assist me.
>> I've found general information about the function, but it doesn't
>> answer my main question, which is how enabling this function might
>> be helpful to running GlassFish on Windows.
> We aren't supporting that property since 9.0. That property is a
> left over from SJSAS 8.0 EE, which was using the iPlanet webServer.
> So I don't think you need to document it :-)
> Thanks
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Can someone with knowledge in this area provide me with a brief
>> description of why a user might want/not want this function enabled
>> (e.g., why aren't we just enabling it for Windows users, period)?
>> Feel free to call my extension if you need clarification.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Olga.

Olga Vasserman
TechPubs Student Intern