Re: Does QL require maven repository at default location

From: Ming Zhang <Ming.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:22:20 -0700

It worked on Sreeni's machine last time. Sreeni, did I miss anything?

Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Ming,
> For whatever reason, QL doesn't respect the .m2/settings.xml file that
> the build does.
> <settings>
> <localRepository>/v3/repo/</localRepository>
> ...
> </settings>
> ..............................................
> Lloyd Chambers
> GlassFish team, LSARC member
> On Sep 29, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Ming Zhang wrote:
>> No, QL doesn't require default location. In the doc
>> quicklook/QuickLook_Test_Instructions.html, I noted several ways of
>> using local maven repository at non default location. For example,
>> the dev-build hudson job is running QL at a non default location by
>> setting maven.repo.local property -Dmaven.repo.local=/tmp/repo2:
>> http://hudson.sfbay/view/GFv3/job/v3-dev-builds-quicklook/
>> I am not sure why home-dir/.m2/settings.xml don't work in your case.
>> Is it like following format:
>> <settings>
>> <localRepository>/abc/.m2/repository</localRepository>
>> </settings>
>> Thanks,
>> Ming
>> V B Kumar Jayanti wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I recently moved my maven repo location from the default
>>> home-dir/.m2/repository to another location specified in
>>> home-dir/.m2/settings.xml. Now when run QL i see the following error :
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error
>>> occurred while exe
>>> cuting this line:
>>> E:\FRESH\V3\Aug26\quicklook\build.xml:61: The following error
>>> occurred while exe
>>> cuting this line:
>>> E:\FRESH\V3\Aug26\quicklook\build.xml:129: The following error
>>> occurred while ex
>>> ecuting this line:
>>> E:\FRESH\V3\Aug26\quicklook\classloader\hellojsf\build.xml:57:
>>> C:\Documents and
>>> Settings\chotu\.m2\repository\com\sun\jsftemplating\jsftemplating-dynafaces\0.1
>>> not found.
>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>> It seems to be looking for things at the default repo. Can someone
>>> tell me how to fix this. I tried mvn clean, but it does not seem to
>>> help.
>>> regards,
>>> kumar
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