Re: SUMMARY of various ways to start/stop the server [Was: Re: lopsidedness of domaindir usage?]

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 10:55:52 -0700

> 'Domain.xml configuration is irrelevant' is not the way it works
> currently. domain.xml is MUST or atleast the web container will not
> start. There is domain.xml template where http-listner/virtual-server
> configuration is done dynamically and is provided to the runtime.

What I meant was <java-config> element is not consulted for JVM options
(unlike the other case of startserv/asadmin start-domain)
while starting GF in embedded mode. Sorry if you took it to mean that
domain.xml is not necessary. I did not mean that.