Re: QL fails

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:02:03 -0700
Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
Can you tell us the path of your installation ?
If you don't run QL,  can you start up the server and go to http://localhost:4848 ?   If  the browser cannot bring up the console, can you send us server.log ?
Sorry Anissa, I didn't notice the part, where you asked about the path.
Really I was so naive to use v3 folder :))
Once I put it under glassfish - it works fine.

Glad that it is working now.   The requirement that the installation be 'glassfish' is a requirement for ips package as all glassfish ips package is supposed to install under the foloder named 'glassfish'.


Thanks, guys!



Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
Hi Jason,

On Sep 24, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Tim Quinn wrote:
Are you sure you did an "svn update" for the quicklook directory?  I think I had this same problem last night until I updated the tests and then it was better for me.

I committed code last night to make the test bail out early if the admin console war is not available.  However, if that were the case, it *should* still bail out earlier than the 100th iteration, but that code wasn't perfect (nor is the current code, but it's better).  When was the last time you updated the whole tree and built a new  It's possible that the war is not there so the Grizzly adaptor can't install the application, and the code that checks for that just isn't working correctly (it uses a fragile String search for that).  For what it's worth, I'm on a MBP with a current tree, and the tests pass for me, and unless things have changed and I haven't heard, things are working fine under Hudson as well, though I'll go look to make sure...
I've just checked out GFv3 from scratch, then
mvn -U clean install

and still have the same issue.


Jason Lee - x31197
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems
GlassFish Admin Console Team

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