Re: lopsidedness of domaindir usage?

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:42:25 -0700

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Ludo,
>> AFAIK, we are *not* making domain.xml a public interface, at least
>> that was Kedar's view.
> Users defeat everything when it comes to a text configuration file.
> So, like it or not, domain.xml, its structure, elements etc. has become
> our public interface. Nothing can fight with editing the text file in
> users'
> favorite text editor. We can't say we won't support it if you ever edited
> the file by hand, no let's not go there.
> Situation would have been better if we had a "slick" editor/API for
> domain.xml
> (and possibly other files in domain) *without* a running server.
I guess you are not using an IDE to open domain.xml for GlassFish v1 or
v2 (dtd based).

our NetBeans plugin register all the GlassFish dtds/schema so you can
get inline xml code completion
depending on the cursor position as well as xml validation and xml check
(last 2 icons of the xml editor toolbar in NetBeans).

Same for Eclipse as you can see in the attached images.


(image/png attachment: ishot-20.png)

(image/png attachment: ishot-21.png)

(image/png attachment: ishot-22.png)

(image/png attachment: ishot-24.png)