Re: lopsidedness of domaindir usage?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:38:27 -0700

Sahoo wrote:
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> And completeness, not haphazard development is required for "products",
>>> especially, mature products.
>> this was certainly not meant to be a criticism
>> java -jar glassfish.jar mysuperweb.war is *all* some developers need,
>> ever...
> Yes, some developers may be satisfied with that, but they will always
> be a subset of all developers using GF from NB. So, NB should use the
> mechanism that works for all, not for some.
> I also think we need to prioritize what we want to fix at this point
> of time. Do we want:
> 1. asadmin start-domain working + java -jar working with some
> limitations + core features of server working
> OR
> 2. asadmin start-domain working + java -jar working - some core
> features of server working
> My assumption is we can't do both 1 & 2. So, we have a choice to make
> and I prefer #1.
I am not sure which limitations you refer to, but for things you pointed
earlier like java.ext.dirs, -Xmx or other things like that, we will
never be able to achieve (2). I never intended to do more than (1).

(1) is good enough for some developers and it's also a good way of
keeping us honest when supporting the OSGi enabled embedded case (forgot
how Byron named it).

> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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