Re: [GFV3]problem in getting the source code fromt he repostitory

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 19:52:45 -0700

Did you check out 'v3'? Run 'svn update' from there.


legolas wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you all for your help, legolas_w as username worked fine. but I have
> problem with following task:
> - How I should update my source codes with latest committs that were
> applied?
> I tried using
> svn update
> in the same folder that I issued
> svn checkout
> but it return a message like:
> Skipped ''
> and did nothing more.
> does it means that no update happend or there is something wrong with my
> configuration?
> thanks