Re: Differences starting v3 (asadmin vs. java -jar glassfish.jar)

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:26:03 -0700

Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> When v3 is started using java -jar glassfish-VERSION.jar vs started
>> using asadmin command, it seems the jvm-options setting, such as Xmx
>> is not taking effect in the former case. Are both of these not
>> equivalent?
>> Here is what we observed:
>> The default Xmx setting in the domain.xml is 512MB. Jacob was
>> evaluating a an OOM bug[1] and reported that when he starts v3 as
>> java -DJRUBY_HOME=/tools/jruby -jar modules/glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> JConsole reports that the max Heap is 64MB only and when he tries to
>> deploy more apps or hit the server multiple times and rails ruby pool
>> increases it gives OOM pretty quickly. So looks like the domain.xml
>> entry for Xmx is not taking effect when glassfish is started using
>> java and glassfish.jar.
>> Although when he starts using asadmin start-domain command the Xmx
>> setting of 512MB kicks in.
>> Is it not expected that when we start v3 using java the domain.xml
>> settings are applied?
> If you use the 'java' command to start GlassFish, you need to pass all
> the jvm options you need as parameters of this java command.
> The domain.xml entries are only read with asadmin start-domain script.
> Ludo

Yes, that is the behavior I see. Although I dont think the domain.xml is
completely ignored, maybe it is just the jvm-options that are not read.

>> -vivek.
>> [1]
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