Re: lopsidedness of domaindir usage?

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 16:11:55 -0700


In V2, in retrospect, we made a mistake. The value of --domaindir
option on *-domain commands should really assume the value of the
parent folder of folder where domain's config resides. Thus, --domaindir
/Users/kedar/domains domain3 implies the command applies to a domain
whose folder is domain3 in /Users/kedar/domains.

Calling this folder --domaindir is definitely confusing. But it has been
this way in V2 and is carried forward in v3 as-is for compatibility.

The java -jar way of invoking (introduced in v3) seems to have corrected
that mistake and probably has created another confusion in that you have
to specify both domain's folder and domain's name. I am not sure why this
is so, but what's not clear to me is why you are not using the supported
and documented "asadmin create/start-domain --domaindir <parent-folder>
  <domain-name>" in your plugin?

Just so it's clear, there is a significant difference in starting the
server using "asadmin start-domain" and "java -jar ..." and that's you
take the responsibility of specifying system properties and JVM options
of interest. Domain.xml is NOT read while doing java -jar, whereas it
is, while doing "asadmin start-domain".

Hope this reduces the confusion.


Rochelle Raccah wrote:
> Another question from my experiences in trying to get domaindir support
> added to the glassfish plugin for eclipse....
> Assume I have a domain in /Users/rochelle/mydomains/domainMine
> Using start-domain/stop-domain/list-domains, the domaindir expects the
> directory which is parent of the domain:
> ./asadmin start-domain --domaindir /Users/rochelle/mydomains domainMine
> ./asadmin stop-domain --domaindir /Users/rochelle/mydomains domainMine
> ./asadmin list-domains --domaindir /Users/rochelle/mydomains domainMine
> I believe I've tried all of these in both V2 and V3.
> In V3, I also have the option of using java -jar, but domaindir now
> expects it to have the domain name in both places! This does not work:
> java -jar
> /Users/rochelle/glassfishv3-M1/glassfish/modules/glassfish-10.0-V3-PRELUDE-M1-SNAPSHOT.jar
> --domaindir /Users/rochelle/mydomains --domain domainMine
> This does work:
> java -jar
> /Users/rochelle/glassfishv3-M1/glassfish/modules/glassfish-10.0-V3-PRELUDE-M1-SNAPSHOT.jar
> --domaindir /Users/rochelle/mydomains/domainMine --domain domainMine
> Is this difference in how to specify domaindir intentional? If so, why?
> I found it extremely confusing...
> Thanks,
> Rochelle
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