Sahoo wrote:
> Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> Hi Vivek
>>> Your fix is incorrect unfortunately.
>> I dont think so. See below...
>>> base documentation and felix are indeed a distribution fragment, so
>>> I am not sure what the problem is with your environment.
>> Yes they are distribution fragments but of type 'zip'.
>> Maven treats distribution-fragment differently (by default) when
>> trying to resolve the dependency. For example, it looks for
>> felix.distribution-fragment
> I think it's a maven bug. I have seen it happening in some cases when
> more than two maven plugins are configured as extensions. Check in
> maven forum.
Well, I dont think it is maven bug. distribution-fragment packaging is
GF defined. Maven has some pre-defined packaging types (pom, jar ...)
but not distribution-fragment. So if you post your artifacts as zip
packaging and define dependency in another artifact as
distribitiion-fragment then by default maven looks for extension
.distribution-fragment and it does not look like a bug to me.
>> and the fact is that the repository has posted.
>> See
>> So either you release felix and basedocs as .distribution-fragment or
>> have pom file explicitly say the type of felix and
>> basedocs is 'zip'.
> If that were needed, why don't we see the problem while building web
> distribution which depends on nucleus? Same with ejb/ejb-all/pom.xml
> which has the following:
> <dependency>
> <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId>
> <artifactId>ejb-timer-databases</artifactId>
> <version>${project.version}</version>
> <type>distribution-fragment</type>
> </dependency>
I see, so the fact is that glassfish has defined extensions to map the
packaging type, in this case distribution-fragment. The top level pom
file or somewhere there is a maven plugin/extension from glassfish that
treats distribution-fragment differently. If you tell me which one of
the plugin/extension that is needed to resolve distribution-fragment, I
will be happy to include in my pom file.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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