Re: lopsidedness of domaindir usage?

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:02:05 -0700

Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> We are talking about the NetBeans plugin code which is in the NetBeans
> mercurial repository, that needs to be built and shipped in the NetBeans
> product (with or without GlassFish)...Currently, to use NB external
> APIs, those APIs have to be reviewed (OSR), and integrated into the Nb
> hg repo (no dynamic maven download).
> So the shared implementation of the domain parsing code should become
> 1/ an api
> 2/ provided in a jar in a published/maintained repository
> 3/ OSR reviewed and approved to be used by NetBeans
> 4/ integrated inside the Nb product build process (Or Eclipse GlassFish
> Plugin, etc)
> The API could just be interfaces, and the impl would be taken from the
> GlassFish bits themselve, but the Nb build process would need these
> interfaces

Seems fine to me. Define the interface that NetBeans will depend on,
package that interface with NetBeans and with GlassFish, and package
an implementation of that interface with GlassFish. You can figure
out the best way to load the implementation class in NetBeans, using
reflection or whatever.