Re: new build, AdminConsoleAdapter files

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:18:29 -0700

This exception is expected from developer build which doesn't include
any update center info. For promoted or nightly build, this will not
occur. The AdminConsoleAdapter needs to find out the version of
'glassfish-gui' ips package that is downloaded and the UpdateCenter API
throws such an exception.
However, this shouldn't affect your ability to bring up the console
since i ensure the code will still works fine even without this directory.
Are you able to bring up the console by going to http://localhost:4848
when you see this error ?


Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> /v3/glassfish/../.org.opensolaris,pkg/cfg_cache (No such file or
> directory)
> ..............
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:02 AM
> com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
> INFO: JVM invocation command line:
> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/bin/java
> -cp
> /v3/glassfish/modules/glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar:/v3/glassfish/modules/glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
> -XX:+LogVMOutput
> -XX:NewRatio=2
> -XX:LogFile=/v3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/jvm.log
> -Xmx512m
> -client
> -Dcom.sun.aas.instanceRoot=/v3/glassfish/domains/domain1
> -Djava.ext.dirs=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/lib/ext:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/jre/lib/ext:/v3/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext:/v3/glassfish/javadb/lib
> -Djdbc.drivers=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
> -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/v3/glassfish/lib/endorsed
> -Dcom.sun.enterprise.config.config_environment_factory_class=com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.AppserverConfigEnvironmentFactory
> -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot=/v3/glassfish
> -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
> -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000
> com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
> -debug
> false
> -domaindir
> /v3/glassfish/domains/domain1
> -instancename
> server
> -verbose
> true
> -domainname
> domain1
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:02 AM
> com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
> INFO: Successfully launched in 18 msec.
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:02 AM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
> main
> INFO: Launching GlassFish on Apache Felix OSGi platform
> Time zero is 1222101122536
> Welcome to Felix.
> =================
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:02 AM HK2Main start
> INFO: contextRootDir = /v3/glassfish/modules
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:02 AM OSGiFactoryImpl initialize
> INFO: Singleton already initialized as
> com.sun.enterprise.module.impl.HK2Factory_at_27461b
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:03 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.core.kernel [73]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:03 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-mbeanserver [14]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:03 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.common-util [88]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM HK2Main$HK2ServiceTrackerCustomizer addingService
> INFO: registering service =
> org.apache.felix.framework.StartLevelImpl_at_21f956, contract =
> org.osgi.service.startlevel.StartLevel, name = null
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM HK2Main$HK2ServiceTrackerCustomizer addingService
> INFO: registering service =
> org.apache.felix.framework.PackageAdminImpl_at_aab87f, contract =
> org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin, name = null
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.branding.branding [90]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle GlassFish-Application-Common-Module [15]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM APIClassLoaderService createAPIClassLoader
> INFO: APIClassLoader = Class Loader for Bundle
> [GlassFish-Application-Common-Module [15] ]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM AppServerStartup run
> INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] started
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.admin.config-api [80]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.internal-api [30]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.deployment.deployment-common [98]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.deployment.deployment-autodeploy [42]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.flashlight.flashlight-framework [102]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.container-common [37]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-naming [27]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-api [99]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.connectors.connectors-runtime [40]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> start
> INFO: Listening on port 8080
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> postConstruct
> INFO: Network listener http-listener-2 on port 8181 has been disabled
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM OSGiModuleImpl start
> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.transaction.jta [68]
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> start
> INFO: Listening on port 4848
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter
> setDownloadedVersion
> WARNING: !!!!! Cannot create Update Center Image
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> /v3/glassfish/../.org.opensolaris,pkg/cfg_cache (No such file or
> directory)
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at Method)
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at<init>(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at<init>(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at com.sun.pkg.client.Image.loadConfig(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at com.sun.pkg.client.Image.<init>(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter.setDownloadedVersion(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter.init(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter.postConstruct(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at org.jvnet.hk2.component.Habitat$1.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at java.util.AbstractList$
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLoaderInjector.postConstruct(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> SEVERE: at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup$
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.AdminConsoleAdapter setStateMsg
> INFO: The Admin Console Web Application has been downloaded.
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup run
> INFO: GlassFish Prelude 10.0-SNAPSHOT startup time : Felix(1551ms)
> startup services(753ms) total(2304ms)
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> org.glassfish.admin.mbeanserver.ConnectorStartupService$ConnectorsStarterThread$RMIConnectorStarter
> startRMIConnector
> INFO: RMI connector server URL =
> service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://
> Sep 22, 2008 9:32:04 AM
> INFO: JMXMP connector server URL = service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:8888
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