What do I need to do to get the latest fixes for the jar filenames? It
seems that if I check out a clean workspace and build it everything
should work but I'm getting the following:
Processing error
com.sun.enterprise.module.ResolveError: Failed to start
org.glassfish.ejb.gf-ejb-connector(EJB Container connector for
Sahoo wrote:
> You should always check hudson for build stability. Hudson QL job [1] is
> fine, so the problem is likely to do with your environment.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> [1] http://hudson.sfbay/view/GFv3/job/v3-dev-builds-quicklook/
> Carla Mott wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just checked out the workspace and ran the quicklook tests and see
>> 26 failures. Anyone else see this?
>> Thanks,
>> Carla
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